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Starting early on in the day

On the days I’ve scheduled for myself to “create”, I’ve gotten myself into the habit of starting early on in the day. I’ve always been a night owl/vampire, but I’m really seeing how being up and early on in the day really gives that productivity energy boost.

Since grade school and all through out my mid-20’s (and maybe even late 20’s), I’ve always had my “creative juices” flowing at night and I’d get into the “zone” when I’d get those moments. Since having kids, that’s gotten rather challenging, but I still found myself feeling “creative” during the night time and the wee hours of the day (very ungodly hours and not very healthy for me, since I barely get sleep - with having to take care of my kids and work).

Just recently, I made the shift to work starting at 4AM. It was quite an adjustment, and for the first 3 weeks or so, I was still awake during the night and crossing over to the morning but when I finally got to adjust, and I was sleeping through the night and waking up at 3AM, maaaaaannn did it feel great. I didn’t think the day would come where I’d say that I loved being awake so early. My brain just kicks differently now and I’m able to get more done.

So I applied the same thing for my “creative days”. And this is usually during my days off, but I’d wake up early, move around, then get into “the zone” of just creating. It somehow works out for the best because the kids are still sleeping early in the morning too.

I do wonder - is this a “age of 30’s” thing? Where the morning is just …. amazing now? Though, truthfully speaking, being up during the day, where the sun provides warmth and gives you that Vitamin D kick is healthier for just about any human being - and I knew that, but the night time just felt solemn, which I thrived in back in the day (**hommagad I feel so old for saying that line). But seriously, any other night owls like me who have converted to being early birds now? I’d love to hear your experience and what you guys went through and feel now!

So this is me now, an early morning person, who likes to think and eat breakfast (I wasn’t much of a fan of breakfast before neither), and gets stuff done early on in the day. The best part really is feeling like I still have a day left ahead of me! When I “clock out” or finishing “Creating”, It’s still just an hour past noon, and I still have the time AND ENERGY to actually do other things!

I’d love to sustain this and keep things going, as I feel that I’ve been focusing my time and energy on things that matter more to me. Here’s to trying to keep on going :)

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